Case Study: Field Trip Factory

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Email Design Direct Mail
Email Design
Program Materials
Direct Mail Package

Education Services & Field Trips

—  Build creative department
—  Update materials to match new website and branding
—  Push multiple email and direct mail campaigns out on a tight deadline
—  Research and design program materials for new field trip on the environment

Field Trip Factory is a 20+ year-old entrepreneurial firm that works with corporate partners to develop free educational field trips for children from pre-K through high school.

The field trips provide hands-on learning opportunities which reinforce lesson retention—and allow companies to strengthen their community outreach.

While FTF has been around for a while, at that time, brand/name awareness was very low. The previous strategy was to promote FTF's more famous business sponsors on materials and not the firm itself.

As Interim Creative Director, I created a visual brand for FTF that was consistent with their newly designed website. Coming in just before one of their busiest times, I was charged with developing and creating all FTF marketing materials, program materials and identities for five new field trips—over 100,000 mailed pieces and 30+ email campaigns.

Biggest success: The company booked 926 trips in one day (beating the previous record of 630), with an average of 20,000 trips booked annually.

Improving the Onboarding Process  |  Encouraging Future Innovators